I've been playing non-stop and have been fortunate to have been having lots of fun. You can pick up and start hammering away on the controls, or, you CAN take your time to notice intricate combinations that will amaze you in how detailed they got each wrestlers move set. Games should be fun to play, regardless of any other Aspect. And if we try not to compare one game to another, you will see that games like WWE All Stars is fantastic. It's something that worked for that game. That being said, i don't remember games like Super Mario Bros being reviewed and said it's all the same, just jumping and running through the entire game, and that being a bad thing.
They really do feel like a bunch of exhibition matches piled into different modes.
After beating some of the modes and seeing that it's not going to be very different from here on out, the only gripe with this game is that After beating some of the modes and seeing that it's not going to be very different from here on out, the only gripe with this game is that there is no real difference in the game modes.